We Understand The Challenges You Are Facing

The process of applying for benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA) is no simple matter. It is extremely complicated and stressful for most people, and a significant percentage of applicants are denied benefits on their initial applications. With the complications, stress and high stakes involved, make sure you get the help of an experienced, trusted legal team.

At Gatewood & Cornaghie in Memphis, our two attorneys have decades of experience helping Tennessee clients in the Social Security system. Our own lawyer, Chris Cornaghie, spent years working in the Office of Hearings and Appeals with the SSA, so we know the processes involved with obtaining benefits, from the initial applications and appeals to the preparation for clients’ disability hearings. Our goal is to use our knowledge and experience to help our clients succeed.

Common Mistakes People Make In The Process

The most common mistake involves understanding the basics of the benefits available from the SSA and knowing what benefits people should be applying for. Secondly, people often fail to file timely appeals. We help by thoroughly explaining the process of applying for benefits and assist in identifying which benefits are most appropriate. We also work to ensure that appeals are filed timely.

Preparing Your Case

A successful application depends on documenting all medical treatment sources and work activity during the period of disability you will be claiming. We can assist you with gathering medical information from treatment providers and previous employers.

Versatile Experience

It is common for most individuals to have multiple claims for disability benefits through various programs. Frequently, the standard of disability can interrelate between programs. but in some instances, conflicts can occur. We are knowledgeable in all disability areas and can help you understand the ramifications of pursuing multiple claims simultaneously.

Have You Been Charged Back For Overpayments?

Overpayments are happening more frequently in recent years. This occurs most often in conjunction with someone’s improved health. When the SSA reassesses the timeline and discovers that it was paying out for benefits after the patient had improved, it will charge the individual for the amount that was overpaid.

Talk to us right away if you have been charged. By addressing this problem early, we can prevent further legal problems from emerging.

Contact Gatewood & Cornaghie

Get the help you need in the application and appeal process of obtaining benefits or for other SSA-related legal issues. Call 901-528-1702 or fill out our online contact form and we will get back to you promptly.

Call Our Social Security Attorneys Now at (901) 528-1702 for A Free Consultation. Get Started Today.

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